A Thinking Being

Introduction 72 March 2023

A Thinking Being = Script

Let's Set The Stage - There Are Many Pieces Missing But To Get Your Started = Solomon The Wise - Person Of Colour

Let's Begin With A Story In Two Different Times = This Is Where You Learned To Re-Write History

One Story Starts In (Egypt = Hidden) Greece To Rome To Europe LAnd Mass (Word Different = Different Reality)

One Story Starts In Egypt = Atlantis = Hidden = Different Planet = One Land Mass = Different Reality

Watch The World Through Genetics = Endless Views = Planet = Cosmos = Galaxy & On WE Go

Watch The World Through Colour = Limited Time Line / Limited Existance = A Planet In A Pot / (Proccessed Goods - 20th Centery Reference For This Frame Work In Time = BC / AC = Before & After Chirst = This Word Is Know By Only A Few - Translation Through Time Is Need To Understand Whats Being Said)

The Story Of The Hidden Tale = This Is Where WE Are (Lighters / Space & Time / Void) Head / Sprout 2 Tree

Frame Work Based On Colour = Rascim - In This Era Meaning = Colour Counting With Human Emotions - Hating Ones On Species Based On Colour Of There Skin = Has Negative Effects For Economic & Civilization & Metal Development On A Long Scale = It Destorys The Power Game On A Long Frame Work

Reason For This Input = The Data They Come Out With Is A Followed

The Story Of The Hidden Tale = With This Frame Work Blocks The Data / Knowledge From Being Accessed = From One Side Can't Believe That A Woman With White Hair Can Torture Their Child = To Become A Weapon For The Defence Of The Empire / Kindgom & Yet If WE Say Cleopatra (Egypt) ( = They Can Belive It & Yet For Some They/A Woman Can't Be Capable

WE May Might Want TO Keep The Dialoge Short For This Introduction

Yet WE Will Show You MAN'S (not men) Point Of Few = Gentic Point Of View

Let's Show You A Example = You Have Colour Hair (Red / Blonde / ..More In The Future If You Don't Kill Your Parent...)

WE Will Put It Simple = Your Parent Shows Scares Of Walking The Earth Longer = Signs Of The Black Death = So When WE Look At You WE See Traces / Footprits Of HIM = Yet You Are Not HIM

For Cleopatra = ( A Mix Of Genetic & Rasicm Point Of View From A History Eyes = Horus Eye)

The African Land Mass Is Hold & Has Had Civilization = Pyriamds (Mass Structures) = A Large & Diverse Population Of Expression

Yet When WE Look At Them In Their Current State Like The Rest Of The Planet = WE See They Killed Of Much Of The Genetic Diversity In The Game Of Power = The Must Have Killed The Guards A The Gate = Ceberes / Angle At Garden

Only A Few Are Still Evolving & They Running Out Of Gentic Mass - They Are Not Growing

Now A Clear Point Of View = In The Quest For Civilzation After The Fall Of Atlantis They Tried To Keep To The Plan & Went The Other Way For The Quest Of Power To Inact Civilization = This Is The Moral Of The Story = WE Know Your Going To Spin Or Flip It Or Not See It = Each Of Your Had A Turn Killing Each Other & Then You Started Killing The Other

LAW (Keep It Simple It Complex) = Sprout/Seed/Source/ ..... = Expansion = Mixing = Expansion = & Ever Growing The Eteranl Tree (Now Apply Time & Space & Universes) = Something Went Wrong In This Proccess & They Started Killing = The Teacher Couldn't Teach In A Controled Enviroment For Life Is Complex & Human Sociaty It Unbalanced

Now When You Try To Make It A Controled Enviroment To Address The Problem - The Power Play Mess It UP = (Rascit Point Of Few) / Genetic Point Of View = You Don't Know Your Original State Of Being = Only A Few Can Do This & Need A Killing Team To Guard While WE Do It & Yet Rascim Gets In The Way = Lack Of Genetic Diversity = Know You See How Extreme Some Needs To Be To Fix & Have The TIme To Watch This Play Out & Manage From The Shadows = They Won't Be Human Or MAN - Your Will Become Another Species - Becarful They Think Hair & Colour Makes You Another Species

This Is Excluding All The Progress That Was Done In Atlantis = The Data Recieved Is Incomplete & Only A Few From Their Or Taught By Them Know

Best Get A Writer To Make This Dialoge InTo A Story = Keep Some Details Of Reality To YourSelf

Salt / Pepper

Good & Bad

Now Who Taught You People Such A Concept

Example = Two People

One With Electic Technology & The Other Without

How Do WE Explain This Tool & It's Use To You

One With A Understand Of Reality & How To Interact With It

Does It Not Sound Like WE Came From The Stars To Teach You Of The Cosmos

Do You See How This Goes = Those Who Know & Those Who Do Not

WE Will Re-Write These Works In A Story Fromate With Helping Hand To Relay The Meaning In Reality & Make It Easy For The Child = So It May Not Die

Chances Are Small For Men / Woman = Kill Each Other

- For Do You See The Racist Meet The Eugenecis = Colour Coding With Emotion (Your Moody & Like To Eat More From The Plate) / WE The Hidden Tale = You Can't Lie To WE = Becarful There Are Levels To WE = WE Debating How Much To Share Of Reality For If The Programs Wrong Or Someone Is Out Of Line WE Can Have Something You Can't Yet Imagine Come Into Being

The LAW = Cause & Effect = Give WE Time TO Collect Data On The Human Mind Before WE Write This Data In A Story Format To Protect The Human Mind From (Them & IT = There Is BAttles With MANS Hive Mind To

There Is LAW's & Regulations = Becarful What A World Of Super - Power Looks Like = The World Of The GOD'S = Example Shooting Lightning Or Fire Or Wind From One Hand Or Enviroment

Give WE Time = Some Are Fighting Through Time & Others Are Fighting With Idea's = It's Hard Looking After Your World While Your Run Around Carlessly

There Are Many Games / Paths = Yet Many Struggle To Understand These TWO = The Killing Of The King & The Removal Of The King

This Play Has Many Scripts / Forms & Yet They Don't Understand This Key Piece = They Don't Know / They Know = They Don't Know King - (The Empire / Kingdom = Keep This Details A Mystery For The Kids = WE SEE A Story Of Wonder Is Needed To Deliver This Letter)

Behold WE Riding On The Ferrymans Boat = Do You SEE All These Forsaken Souls In The Water = Who Tried To Cross Without A Silver Coin = Mistakes Are Allowed = Don't Hurt Them